Sunday, March 25, 2012

World War II

Hey folks. I'm Chris. I'm an author, who is striving to get published. In my spare time, I love to research World War II, and play war-games about the conflict. One of the things I do, is I write hubs at hubpages, a site where you can publish content fairly easily.

I'll be more specific. Hubpages is a web platform for writing content, connecting with a large (and interesting) community, and even getting paid for what you write. I've met some very interesting people there, and gotten alot of value for my time spent. Its a great website for those who write. I could go on for another four paragraphs about what it does for me, but for right now, I won't.

Anyhow, what I do at Hubpages, is I write many hubs about World War II, from the personalities involved, to the equipment and technology. Anytime I write a new hub, I'll make a small post here with a synopsis, so that you guys can visit it if you like.

Lastly, in the near future I'm writing some metalink fiction on hubpages dealing with World War II. If your not familiar, metalink fiction is very similar to "Choose Your Own Adventure" books from earlier in the previous century. Essentially I lay out the details, and you, the reader, pick what path you want to go. I will even utilize the comments to come up with some new plot-lines as we go.

Anyhow, thanks for reading! I hope you guys subscribe and become fans of me on Hubpages!